Spring Semester 2023
Evolution of Religiosity and Human Coalitional Psychology
Offered for 3-credits to students in:
Biology 419/519, Psychology 450, Religious Studies 447, Peace and Global Justice Studies 340.
Tuesday and Thursday, 11:00 - 12:15, entirely live, face-to-face, interactive!
Enrollment will be limited to 28 students to facilitate individual attention and discussion, both in class and during office hours.
Summer Semester 2023
Field Studies in the Evolution of Animal Behavior
Field Studies in the Evolution of Animal Behavior
Five Credits, BIOB 491
Second half of the Biostation's summer session.
Independent Field Study of Animal Behavior
for an additional 2-4 Undergrad or Grad Credits under BIOE 490 or BIOB 596
First half of the Biostation's summer session.
The main class meets Monday - Thursday, 8:00am to 5:00pm, and Friday 8:00am to 12:00pm.
For the independent study extension, we work together ad libitum, like serious scientists.
In this kind of research-oriented field course we are not really engaged in a punch-the-clock operation. Like any budding professional, you may need and hopefully will want to work on your projects and other assignments beyond the official course hours.
Let's be clear. For students who want to extend their research and our discussions of relevant topics beyond the more formal 4-week course, there will be the opportunity to seamlessly expand your experience by arriving 2 or 4 weeks before the main 4-week course, for 2-4 independent study credits. I encourage you to consider doing this!
Our base of operations is the beautiful Flathead Lake Biological Station, a world class research institution and scientific community, hosting a friendly and intellectually vivacious summer teaching and internship program.
Throughout this unique, intensive, experiential course, I am constantly in residence at the Bio Station with my students. We work, eat, and live together on and around the grounds of the station to build the intellectual, emotional, and practical skills key to implementing the modern Darwinian approach to studying animal behavior, as well as deepen our general understanding of mind and nature. Teamwork and camaraderie are emphasized, although you will have a opportunity for individual research and being 1-on-1 with your study animal(s), even more so if you opt to extend the experience the additional two weeks (see above).
The course is designed for two basic types of mature junior or senior undergraduate or first year graduate students, (1) those seeking to maximally prepare themselves for a creative, independent career in Evolutionary Behavioral Ecology or related fields, and (2) those who avidly wish to extend their Liberal Arts educations beyond the norms, by adding a deep knowledge of modern evolutionary theory synergistically combined with clear-eyed direct contact with, and insight into, the real lives of animals. Older post-graduate students are also welcome. Students will find that the course is complimentary to mostly classroom-bound courses in the evoution of behavior they may have taken in the past.